Enom Data Centre Migration

Scheduled Maintenance Report for Enom


The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Jan 17, 2022 - 00:00 PST


We have completed the extended maintenance period and our engineering team continues to remediate potential customer-facing issues and certify the correct operation of our platform.

We thank you again for your continued patience.
Posted Jan 16, 2022 - 23:20 PST


We thank you again for your continued patience.

We have extended the maintenance period to allow our engineering team to continue to test & certify the correct operation of our platform, and also to remediate potential customer-facing issues in an expedited way.
Posted Jan 16, 2022 - 20:47 PST


We thank you again for your continued patience.

We have extended the maintenance period to allow our engineering team to continue to test & certify the correct operation of our platform, and also to remediate potential customer-facing issues in an expedited way.
Posted Jan 16, 2022 - 18:04 PST


We thank you again for your continued patience.

We have extended the maintenance period to allow our engineering team to continue to test & certify the correct operation of our platform, and also to remediate potential customer-facing issues in an expedited way.
Posted Jan 16, 2022 - 15:40 PST


We continue to investigate several issues that were caused by the migration delays. We also discovered resolution problems that impact a few hundred domains. Our engineering team expects to resolve these within the next few hours; we are working with our support team to provide these specific customers with an update. Enom will be back online shortly. We appreciate your patience.
Posted Jan 16, 2022 - 14:00 PST


We appreciate your patience. The unexpected extension to the maintenance window was due to data migration delays. We also discovered resolution problems that impact a few hundred domains. Our engineering team expects to resolve these within the next few hours; we are working with our support team to provide these specific customers with an update. Enom will be back online shortly.
Posted Jan 16, 2022 - 12:04 PST


We appreciate your patience. The unexpected extension to the maintenance window was due to data migration delays. We also discovered resolution problems that impact a few hundred domains. Our engineering team expects to resolve these within the next few hours; we are working with our support team to provide these specific customers with an update. Enom will be back online shortly.
Posted Jan 16, 2022 - 10:20 PST


We are extending our maintenance window through 12:00 PM PST. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes, and very much appreciate your patience. We will continue to provide any updates as they become available.
Posted Jan 16, 2022 - 08:44 PST


We are extending our maintenance window through 9:00 AM PST. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes, and very much appreciate your patience. We will continue to provide any updates as they become available.
Posted Jan 16, 2022 - 05:32 PST


We are extending our maintenance window through 6:00 AM PST. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes, and very much appreciate your patience. We will continue to provide any updates as they become available.
Posted Jan 15, 2022 - 23:51 PST

In progress

Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Jan 15, 2022 - 18:13 PST


We will be undergoing scheduled maintenance during this time.
Posted Jan 15, 2022 - 18:12 PST

In progress

Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Jan 15, 2022 - 18:10 PST


The data centre migration is continuing. Our Dev team’s testing indicates the need to extend the migration period to midnight (PST), 16 January. We will keep you apprised of any updates as they come available. Thank you again for your patience & understanding.

From earlier:

Enom’s URL redirector is presently offline for the migration. As a result, URL Redirects (forwarding) will not operate as intended. URL Redirects will forward to destination websites as desired after the migration completes.

We are receiving some reports of domains using our nameservers which are failing to resolve. Owing to the migration we are unable to research and fully address the issue until the migration is complete. This is not an expected outcome from the migration, and we are working to address it as a priority.

Original Maintenance Notice:

To better support our customers and ensure long term stability, Enom will be undergoing a data center migration for a period of 12 hours. This period will be between 6AM PST and 6PM PST on January 15th. Enom support agents will be unable to assist outside of general inquires as the migration will impact all systems.

During the migration both enom.com and enomcentral.com will be unavailable. This means you will be unable to log into your account via the UI (user interface/website) or process any actions via our API (application programming interface).

This also includes but is not limited to:

- Domain registration, transfer, renewal, or contact update requests through our API or UI. This includes actions related to the Registrant Verification Process (RAA).

- Provision new mailboxes or manage your customers’ email settings via the API or UI.

- Provision new SSL certificates or manage your customers’ SSL certificates via the API or UI.

PLEASE NOTE: Any actions that fail during this period will need to be re-actioned once completed.

The following will remain operational:

- DNS will continue to resolve as intended.

- Email will remain operational.

- Active/Issued SSL certificates will remain secure.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we appreciate your patience.


The Enom Team.
Posted Jan 15, 2022 - 18:09 PST
This scheduled maintenance affected: Enom.com (Website, Domain Search, Domain Purchase, Domain Management), Domain Services (Core gTLDs, Core ccTLDs, Other gTLDs, Other ccTLDs), and API, DNS Service, SSL Certificates.